
Recommendation Letter

  To whom it may concern:       It is my pleasure to recommend  Hayfa  FTW. for a position as a chemist at your   company.       My name is Dasha R Arne W. I have been a Biomedical scientist  at Johnson  &   Johnson for over 11 years now. I have partaken many different projects and have   lead the development of many new medicines. My experience with  Hayfa  is due to   her short but sweet time working for Johnson & Johnson as an intern. In  my   11 years of working here, never have I had the pleasure to work with someone   as talented as her.       When I first started working with her,  i  was at awe of her aptitude in chemistry.   Even as an intern, she quickly outshone and surpassed her peers and seniors.   This was made clear after the first project that I gave her right after she   started working.       In the short time I worked with her, there are 3 main skills that made it a   pleasure to work with her. First off, her intellect. Looking at her resume   back then was n

My Future

Future plans? Ahh the future, everyone seems to worry about it especially in high school when everyone is worried about what collage they're going to go to. And i'm no exception. I also worry about what i'm going to do in the future and to be frank i haven't put much thought into it. Even though i don't have a solid plan, just like everybody else I want to live happily. And so i plan on getting a stable job that allows me to do the one thing I love. photography. Even though that is my passion, I do not plan on making photography my job because I am not confident in my abilities and because photography is not a super stable job and I also don't want to ruin my hobby my making it a chore. That brings me to second choice which is Biochemistry. Ever since i was in grade school, I've always liked Biology and every since high school I've also taken a liking to chemistry. The other reason why I want to choose biochemistry is so I can learn how living things wor

Suggestions and Offers Dialogue

Suggestions and Offers Topic: Independence Day. This dialogue is about a group of students deciding how they should celebrate Independence Day in their school. Jack: So guys, what do you think we should do for the Independece Day event next week?  Alex: Hmm, i think we should hire people to sell food at the event. Bob : I don’t think that would be a good idea. I suggest we ask the other students to sell food instead. It helps build character.  Jack: Thats a good idea Bob! I agree; There’s another thing we need to discuss, games. Any ideas?  Alex: I have an idea. We should do traditional games! Bob : Thats a great idea! So we need props for the games. Do you guys think we should make it ourselves?  Jack: I think we should, Our budget is a little tight. I’ll go to the supermarket to buy the things we need. You guys tell me what to buy and I’ll get it tomorrow.  Bob : We still need somewhere to do our work.  Alex: Lets do it in my house! I’m sure my parents will allow it.  Everyone nods i

Song Worksheet

          Class: Name: Stud. Number: Class: Name: Stud. Number: Listen to ‘Fight Song’ by Rachel Platten. What do you feel when you listen to the song? (5 points) When I listen to this song I feel empowered and inspired. This song makes me feel like I can overcome any problem life throws at me Why ‘Fight Song’ is chosen to be the song’s title? (10 points) Because the singer is “fighting” her problems as seen in the music video. What do you think the song is about? (15 points) I think this song is about not giving up and to always know that you can overcome any problem you have in your life. Messages in song can be delivered by either the music, the lyric, and/or the visual. Watch the Music Video of ‘Fight Song’. What transition of mood/ situation can you get? What’s the relation with song’s meaning? (20 points) At the beginning of the music video, there is a somber mood/tone

Historical Recount

Dunkirk, a miracle. Summary Battle of Dunkirk The year was 1940, World War II was raging on.  The German Forces attacked the Allied forces using a strategy called “Blitzkrieg” (lightning war). They invaded France through the Ardennes Forest, cutting allied communications and supplies as they pushed forwards. And so, the allied forces were cornered to the northern borders of France, a place called Dunkirk. Looking at this predicament, the English Prime Minister, Winston Churchill decided that evacuation was the only option. So he devised a plan named “Operation Dynamo”. On May 24th the German forces accidentally helped the Allied Forces, Hitler had ordered the Germans to stop advancing as he feared an allied retaliation. This gave the Allied forces crucial time to execute Operation Dynamo. On May 25th, more and more allied forces arrive at Dunkirk waiting to be evacuated. The next day, Hitler ordered an all out attack on the Allied Forces to finish them.  But at this time, Ope


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