Bullying in Schools and Other Places

Lil' speech I made back in middle school. Critics are welcome

Bullying in Schools and Other Places

Ass, wr, wb. Good morning everyone! First of all, i would like to introduce myself. My name is (name) from SMP [Redacted]. The honourable judges, teachers, and fellow contestants. Have you ever seen or been bullied before? Even worse, have you ever bullied someone.? I’m pretty sure the majority of you here would answer yes. I for one have done all of the above. This is the topic that i will be discussing today.

What is bullying? According to stopbullying.org Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. They also state that people who bully and people that are bullied can have long lasting issues. These issues may include depression, social anxiety, suicide, school shootings, and many more.

By now i believe all of you here know that this is a serious problem as these kinds of behaviours can suppress a students ability and their talents. So how so we solve this problem? First we need to know the different types of bullying.
There are
  1. Verbal bullying -- Saying or writing hurtful/insulting things.
  2. Social bullying -- Destroying or hurting someone's reputation
  3. Physical Bullying -- I’m sure you all know what that means.
So, the honourable judges and fellow contestants. Here are some solutions that not only help face bullying, but also prevent it.

  1. The most common thing people say to do when you are being bullied is to ignore it. They seem to think that by ignoring the problem it’ll go away. I’m sure all of us here can agree that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you are being bullied. Stand up for yourself, it doesn’t have to be physical. It can be verbal. For example, turning the insult around, replying sarcastically, or self deprecation. But, one important thing to remember is to never bite off more than you can chew. If the situation prevents you from standing up for yourself, travel in a group, or avoiding the bully, anything to take the target off yourself.
 That is how you face bullying. Now on to the most important part. Prevention.
  1. Educate students on bullying, it’s effects, and how to stand up to it safely. Because the worst thing that can happen is to be unprepared and end up making rushed, irrational decisions. 
  2. Model students and kids to have good character. In school the teachers need to set an example and the same goes for parents at home. You can’t expect your kids to be kind, polite , etc. Just by telling them to do so. They need to experience and see it directly.
  3. Talk to the students and keep a healthy connection with them. Many kids don’t have anyone to talk to so it doesn’t matter if you are a student, teacher, or parent. If you see that someone you know is having a hard time. Talk to them, slowly but surely. Because having someone there is really important for your mental health. This way, you will know if someone is getting bullied and you can take measures to stop and prevent it.
  4. Lastly. There are many people who get bullied then after the go through a change, for example becoming a senior. They start bullying others as some sort of ‘revenge’. They feel like their justified to bully others because they’ve been bullied before. If you’re that person. Take a look at yourself and think about how bad it was when you were the victim. As a senior, you should be setting examples, and making a nice and friendly environment to other students. Because that. That is the only way to break the cycle. 

Maybe some of you here are still unconvinced. You may be thinking “why should i stop bullying, or prevent it? It doesn’t affect me.”  I could tell you to empathize and put yourself in the victims shoes. But there are people who don’t care about that. So how can not bullying someone benefit you?

Well, one of the reasons why your own life. In america there are six school shootings on January 2018. Thats 6 in ONE month. Why does this happen? Research shows that children it is because the children are suppressed and they find it hard to talk to adults because they’re not receptive. This could have been prevented by making an open and friendly environment for students.

Another reason is because every person you bully can be the nicest person you’ll ever meet. The thing is, people usually bully people who are different. But different doesn’t mean bad. To socialize with different people can give us a fresh perspective. So give it a chance.

In conclusion. Bullying is a serious problem that needs to be solved as it has claimed numerous lives and causes lots of mental and physical issues. It needs the contribution of parents, teachers, and students to solve this. I hope by hearing this speech you are inspired to help stop bullying.

I’d like to apologize for any mistakes I have made. Thank all very much



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