
Showing posts from August, 2019


Bukittinggi If you ask me, "what is the one place that you'd recommend anyone to go to on a vacation?". My answer will be Bukittinggi. Bukittinggi is a city located in West Sumatera. This city is very culturally rich. And one of the main reasons why I like going here is the cool air, because generally it is much hotter in Riau then in Sumbar. There are serveral points of interest (POI) in Bukittingi, and today i'm going to tell you about some of them. The first one is the main attraction of this city, Jam Gadang (big clock). Jam gadang is a clock tower located in the city centre, it is a must-see if you are in bukittinggi Jam Gadang The second POI is M. Hatta's house. Since he passed, the house has been turned into a tourist attraction, in there you can see exactly what his house is like. Free of charge.  Located near his house is a history museum full of cool things such as an lmg, scriptures, etc. One of the more famous tourist

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